Attendance Policy

Prompt and regular attendance is expected and required. Excessive student absences will have an impact on the student’s overall performance and program achievement. Please try to schedule doctor and dentist appointments and other necessary appointments such as to minimize time away from school. If a child is going to be absent from school; please notify the school as soon as practically possible. On the day that a student returns to school from an absence, please send a written excuse signed by a parent to the school staff. Please Note: Absences of three days or more due to illness will need a physician’s note before the child can return to school. The student is responsible for all missed assignments both in-class and homework.

Closings Due to Inclement Weather

Mount Jezreel Christian School will generally follow Montgomery County Public Schools for weather-related school closings, late openings, and early dismissals (with the exception of early dismissals for excessive heat), with these exceptions: if Mont. Co. schools close because of excessive heat, MJCS will remain open; on days when MJCS is in session, but Mont. Co. schools are closed, MJCS will follow the open/close procedures of P.G. County schools. Please listen to your radio (WTOP or WMAL) for the county announcements. If Montgomery County Public Schools open two hours late, there will be no Before Care and MJCS will open at 10:00 a.m.

Uniform Policy

MJCS has elected to be a uniform school. All students are required to adhere to our uniform policy except for on specific occasions when the school administration deems it appropriate to dress otherwise. More specific information related to our uniform policy can be found in the following document.

Parental Involvement

Parents are central to the mission and vision of our school. Parents and teachers must consistently support one another, working as a team, in the teaching and training of our students. With this partnership, exceptional young leaders emerge; ready to move confidently into tomorrow’s world. We invite ALL parents to be actively involved at MJCS. There are many opportunities for you to volunteer at MJCS such as reading to the children, chaperoning field trips, helping with parties, speaking about careers, hobbies or other special interests.